A Dictionary of Muslim Names

Edited by Prof. S. A. Rahman
Pages 160 paper back

This dictionary serves as an excellent guide for responsible parents in their quest for appropriate and meaningful names for their children [baby/babies], of which the latter may feel proud when they to know their significance. You will get to see spellings in Arabic.

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Ambedkar and Hindutva Politics

The BJP-RSS’s ascent to power at the Centre has led to the increased assertion of Hindutva politics, which is focused

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Assam’s “Doubtful Citizens” : Fact or Fiction?

A misconception prevails among many people outside Assam that “lakhs” of “Bangladeshis” are residing in Assam and exercising franchise. This misconception developed due to publicity of the AASU for more than three decades-long period with the help of some press and political parties like BJP, a high bureaucrat like S.L. Shakdar, and a Governor of Assam, S.K. Sinha. Dr. Ahmed, with the help of mostly public documents, shows that all this is emotional exaggeration, has no empirical or statistical foundation, and as such is nothing more than a self-composed chorus of some pseudo-intellectuals.

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Brahminists Bombed, Muslims Hanged

Contents:  Introduction / 1. Brahminists’ reverse swing / Ajmer Sharif blast: first case to be reinvestigated / Mecca Masjid (Hyderabad) blast of 2007 / Samjhauta Express blast 2007 / Malegaon blast 2006 / 2. False cases and wrong investigation — IB, the main culprit for falsely implicating Muslims / 3. Vital clues pointing towards Brahminist elements left unpursued / 4. In many cases, innocent Muslims walked free after languishing in jail for years / 5. Mumbai suburban train serial blast case, 11 July 2006 (7/11) Scientific evidence of CDRs discarded; oral evidence of dubious witnesses accepted / 6. German Bakery (Pune) blast 2010 / 7. Investigation of huge haul of arms and explosives (Aurangabad) 2006 / 8. Dilsukhnagar (Hyderabad) bomb blast, 2013 / 9. Mohammadia Masjid, Parbhani bomb blast case / 10. Acquittal in Mecca Masjid blast case / 11. Pleading guilty without a fight / 12. Faraskhana (Dagduseth Ganapati) blast 2014 / 13. Supreme Court missed the chance to end real terrorism

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Conspiracy to Kill Rajiv Gandhi: From the CBI files

By K Ragothaman
Former Chief Investigator of the CBI
Did Intelligence Bureau director MK Narayanan tamper with evidence of Rajiv’s assassination? Buy a copy of ‘Conspiracy to Kill Rajiv Gandhi: From the CBI Files’

The gruesome assassination of former Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi on 21st May, 1991 was meticulously planned and flawlessly executed by hardcore cadres of LTTE. It was an unique and first of its kind murder plan wherein a human bomb, that too a lady, was used, killing not only Rajiv Gandhi, nine police officers and six other persons, but also causing grievous injury to more than fifty persons

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Contours of an Islamic State

This book highlights the true nature of an Islamic state in the light of the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and the exemplary conduct, both personal and collective, of the Prophet of Islam and the Rightly-Guided Caliphs.

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Drugs, Drinks and Smoke: Effects on Body Physiology that everyone should know

For those who take the evils of Drugs, Drinks and Smoke lightly.

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Framed, Damned, Acquitted: 24 cases show how Special Cell of Delhi Police manufactures terrorists

This revised edition analyses 24 cases to show how the Special Cell of Delhi Police manufactures terror threats and terrorists.

A report on “investigations” carried out by the Special Cell of Delhi Police.

By Jamia Teachers’ Solidarity Association (JTSA)

303 pages p/b
Year: 2015 (Second Edition)

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Full text of the Misra Commission Report, National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities, Ministry of Minorities, Government of India

Contents Vol. 1 Chapter I Introduction Chapter II Constitutional and Legislative Provisions Regarding the Minorities Chapter III Religious Minorities and their Status Chapter IV Linguistic Minorities and their Status Chapter V Status of Women among Minorities Chapter VI Criteria for Identifying backward Sections among Religious Minorities Chapter VII Measures for Welfare and Development of Minorities Chapter VIII Reservation as a Welfare Measure Chapter IX Demands for amending Constitution (SC) Order, 1950 Chapter X Recommendations and Modalities for their Implementation Note of Dissent by Member – Secretary Note on Dissent Note (written by Member Dr T Mahmood and endorsed by Chairman & other two members) Appendices 1. Texts of the Government Resolutions and Notifications 2. List of Workshops sponsored by the Commission 3. List of Studies sponsored by the Commission 4. Names of the States/UTs visited by the Commission 5. Contents of Volume II 6. Sex Ratio of Population: 1991 and 2001 and 0-6 years: 2001 7. Schedule of Socio-economic Parameters Contents Vol. 2 Questionnaires Sent Questionnaries sent to States/UTs Supplementary Questionnaire sent to States/UTs Questionnaire sent to Districts Questionnaire sent to Selected Colleges Format Regarding Collection of Information/Data on Developmental/ Welfare Schemes/Programmes for Religious and Linguistic Minorities from Ministries/Departments Proceedings of the Meeting of the Secretaries, Minorities Welfare/ Minorities Development Departments of the State Governments and Union Territory Administrations held on 13th July, 2005 List of Community Leaders/Religious Leaders With Whom the Commission held Discussions Findings & Recommendations of Studies Sponsored by the Commission A Study on Socio-Economic Status of Minorities -Factors Responsible for their backwardness Educational Status of Minorities and Causes for their Backwardness andIdentification of Socio-Economic Indicators for Backwardness Role of Madrasa Education in Mainstreaming Muslims into Educational System Rapid Assessment of the Role of Financial Institutions in the Upliftment of Minorities in the Country Aspirations and Career Plans of Children of Religious Minority Role of Religious Educational Institutions in the Socio-Economic Development of the Community Selection of Criteria and Identification of Social and Economic Backwardness among Religious Minorities Educational Status of Religious and Linguistic Minorities in India Religious Minorities in India – A Situational Analysis Findings & Recommendations of Workshops Sponsored by the Commission Issues Concerning Disadvantaged Parsis, Sikhs, Buddhists Linguistic Minorities “Reservation Policy – Assessment of Impact” Issues Concerning Disadvantaged Christians Annexures to the Report of the National Commission for Religious and Linguistic Minorities Conferment of SC Status to Persons Converted to Christianity and Islam Depoliticising Backwardness – Alternative Approaches Issues Concerning Disadvantaged Muslims Communication to States/UTs Seeking their views on SCs Convert to Christianity/Islam Public Notice regarding SC converts to Christianity/Islam Names of the States/UTs visited by the Commission Summary of the Report on the Visit to the State of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Summary of the Report on the Visit to the State of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Rajasthan

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Godse’s Children: Hindutva Terror in India

The book ably documents evidence of saffron terror. — A.G. Noorani in Frontline

Hindutva terror has finally emerged. It was on 6 April, 2006 when Nanded witnessed a bomb blast at the house of Laxman Rajkondwar, a longtime RSS activist, killing his son and another Sangh activist. The blast brought to the fore the systematic manner in which people associated with RSS and allied outfits were engaged in making and storing explosives, imparting arms training and planning to bomb minorities as part of their mission to establish Hindu Rashtra in India. Five years later, investigating agencies are in the know of the involvement of Hindutva supremacists in dozens of earlier and later blasts like Malegaon and Samjhauta Express. The role of international linkages and networks of different Hindutva formations in collecting funds, mobilising resources and supporting the cause has added further ferocity to this project. The present book, the first comprehensive treatment of the subject, shows that Hindutva terror is not a mere regional or rare phenomenon. Apart from bringing forth the commonality of tactics used by these terror modules, the book also looks at the phenomenon historically and presents hitherto unexplored evidence. It also underlines the Himalayan task which awaits the investigating agencies as they are yet to nab any of the masterminds, planners, financiers and ideologues of these terror attacks despite ample evidence.

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Golwalkar’s “We or our nationhood defined”: A critique with full text of the book

We are witnessing a concerted attempt by the RSS to establish MS Golwalkar as the ‘prophet of a resurgent India,’ ‘a saint,’ ‘the best son of Bharat mata,’ and the ‘biggest gift to Hindu society in the 20th Century,’… This inspite of the fact that Golwalkar, throughout his life, remained committed to the concept of Hindutva which meant an inherent faith in Casteism, Racism and Imperialism. He stood for the establishment of a Hindu rashtra, or nation, where minorities like Muslims and Christians could exist only as second class citizens. This book attempts to put across actual facts about Golwalkar’s life and beliefs in the light of his original writings, publications of the RSS, documents available in its archives and many other RSS documents the writer collected over the last 35 years from different parts of the country, especially the original text of his book We or Our Nationhood Defined (1939) which is being fully reproduced in this book. It is the most important text in order to understand the RSS’ concept of Hindu state, and has not been available to the public after 1947.

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Gujarat Behind The Curtain (revised edition)

A top police officer, who saw Modi Govt in Gujarat from close quarters, raises the curtains. A must read to understand the man who is now our PM.

AG Noorani wrote in Frontline: An important addition to the documentation of the 2002 pogrom. The book deserves a wide readership.

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Gujarat Files: Anatomy of a Cover Up

English Edition of Gujarat Files:Anatomy of a Cover Up is a book about the 2002 Gujarat riots authored by journalist Rana Ayyub. The book is dedicated to Shahid Azmi along with advocate and activist Mukul Sinha.

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Hindu Nationalism and RSS

Shamsul Islam taught political science at the University of Delhi. As an author, columnist and dramatist he has been writing against religious bigotry, dehumanization, totalitarianism, persecution of women, Dalits and minorities. He is known globally for fundamental research work on the rise of nationalism and its development in India and the world.

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Hindutva: Treason and Terrorism

The threat of totalitarian theocracy engulfing the land is looming lethal and large on the socio-political landscape of India. It

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Hindutva’s Second Coming

A deadly concoction of neoliberalism and Hindutva has taken the country in its firm grip, destroying the age-old civilization of India: plural, composite ball-accepting. With this fascist govt again coming into power, the much-talked about ganga-yamuna culture of the country looks a fiction. This these is assiduously explored in this book.
A must for those who cares for this unique civilization of ours and wants to understand the threat to it; looking large on the horizon.

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Hyderabad 1948: An Avoidable Invasion

“The “Police Action” of 1948 against Hyderabad State remains a blind spot in the post-Partition history of India. While Pakistan

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Indian Freedom Movement and RSS: A story of Betrayal

KB Hedgewar, founder of RSS, said ordering RSS cadres to keep away from the Freedom Movement: “The Sangh must stay

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Indian Nationalism versus Hindu Nationalism

Contents: Introduction / Fascism / Fundamentalism / Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh / Indian National Congress / Freedom Struggle, RSS and Hindu Mahasabha / Struggle for Indian Freedom / Role of Hindu Communalists / Nationalism / Hindutva Movement / Social Base of RSS Combine / Hindutva and the exploited, oppressed sections of society / Women’s movement / Dalits / Minorities / RSS Ideology in Practice / Doctoring History for Political Goals / Adivasis / Complimenting Imperialist Designs / RSS-run Schools / Ambedkar’s Ideology / Was Gandhi Impressed by RSS? / Manufacturing and Undermining National Icons / Conclusions / Ten most aggressive fringe elements of the Parivar / Pledge of RSS / Constitution of RSS

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Innocent Prisoners (Begunah Qaidi)

Stories of Muslim youth falsely implicated in 7/11 Mumbai train blasts and other terror cases

“Structured by a masterful plot line” — Veena Das, Professor of Anthropology,
Johns Hopkins University

“Powerful work of prison literature”— Mahmood Farooqui, Hindustan Times

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Iraq War: Untold story of the American invasion and Iraqi resistance

Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) reports and analyses complied by Zafarul-Islam Khan puts forth the untold story of the American invasion

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Islam & Ahmadism – A reply to questions raised by Pandit Jawahar lal Nehru

Qadianism, or Ahmadism as its followers call it, was a rebellion against Islam – a sort of fifth column to destroy Islam from within. It was a British imperialist need to blunt Muslim resistance to the colonial power. The founder of the new faith, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, was never ashamed of his services to the British Empire.
Over the years a lie has been spread in the Subcontinent the Iqbal, the great poet-philosopher of the Orient and an ardent defender of pristine Islam, was a Qadiani himself! This lie has been lapped up by the Hindutva press in India.
This work shows that on the contrary Iqbal was forcefully opposed to Qadianism and regarded it as a rebellion against Islam. Here he responds to certain observation of Pandit Nehru (which are also reproduced).

Iqbal’s observations remain as relevant today as ever: they will help you understand why Muslims react so strongly against similar recent characters like Salman Rushdie and Taslima Nasreen

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Islamic Company Law – A Comparative Juristic Analysis

…The demands made by Muslim masses on their leaders to apply Islamic law in its entirety makes it imperative for

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Know the RSS: Based on Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Documents

Contents: Introduction Is it true that the RSS idolizes fascism & Hitler? Is RSS loyal to National Flag? Is RSS loyal to Constitution of India? Does RSS have faith in Democracy, Secularism and Federalism? Why was RSS banned after the murder of Gandhiji? Did RSS support the Freedom Movement? Does RSS respect martyrs of the Freedom Movement like Bhagat Singh? How does non-political RSS manipulate national politics? Is BJP independent of RSS? Is RSS helping organizations like ISI? Does RSS believe in Two-Nation Theory like pre-Partition Muslim League? Endnotes

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Letters of Spies — How British captured Delhi in 1857

Little is known about the Revolt of 1857 from the rebels perspective. But there is a large body of official records, diaries and personal narratives of the British officials and others who witnessed the ‘Mutiny’. Even though these mainly contain the heavily biased British version, they also contain significant details about the rebels and their cause. For more than a decade the author has been collecting rare documents (in Persian, Urdu, English and Hindi) of the period of 1857 rebellion from India and outside.

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Manipuri Muslims: Historical Perspectives 615-2000 CE

Manipur’s little-known Muslim communities have a long and rich history, dating from the time of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). In this exhaustive historical account, Farooque Ahmed traces the arrival of Islam in the region in 615 CE through the Prophet’s companion S’ad ibn abi Waqqas, an uncle of the Prophet, who also was instrumental in spreading Islam in China. Around the same time, an Arab Muslim family settled in the Manipur region and over the centuries Muslim traders, settlers and preachers helped the nascent community expand, flourish and thrive. These waves of migrations and local conversions coalesced into a unique identity of ‘Pangal Musalman’ reflecting the egalitarian and congregational ideals of Islam.

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Minorities Commission: Minor Role in Major Affairs

The Minorities Commission, established in 1978 under a Government resolution, was brought under parliamentary legislation fourteen years later as the

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Muslims Against Partition of India — Revisiting the legacy of patriotic Muslims

Dr. Shamsul Islam has written the most neglected chapter in the history of the Indian freedom struggle: on Muslims who

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My Reflections عکسِ خیال (Eng/Urdu Poetry)

The book is a collection of a little over fifty selected poems and ghazals reflecting personal ethos of the poet and his views on various manifestations in personal and social life. The translation in English makes it possible to share all that with a cross section of people speaking languages other than Urdu and at the same time to encourage all to dig into the treasures Urdu language has been hoarding and hiding for ages. This book is a sort of exhortation to others to break the inertia and come out with whatever presentable they possess. This will be a service to the language and the colourful culture it represents.

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Palestine Essays

The Milli Gazette organised an essay competition in 2015 to spread awareness about the Palestinian tragedy which continues to fester

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹150.00.
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