If you ready with your manuscript draft or if you plan to work on a book which you feel is something we will be interested in publishing, do let us know. We might be actually interested in publishing it.

How to submit your idea or manuscript?
To start with email us your synopsis or abstract or proposal along with a detailed CV. We prefer simple plain documents. We will later ask you to send the list of contents, two sample chapters,

How does your submission process work?
Once we receive your email our team will go through it and take a call. We may reject, accept or ask to work more on it. We may discuss the terms at which we would like to publish it. We are tight on budget hence we only take up project we feel need to be published.

How long does it take for you to reply?
A week, may be a month. May be you will need to remind us (by email).

Why do you reject a manuscript?
May be the work is not good. May be the subject doesn’t interest us. May be the claims in the work are not well referenced. May be work does not bring anything new on the subject. May be it just didn’t click with us. Please note that the decision to accept or reject your proposal is with us alone. We will not necessarily provide a reason should we decide not to accept your submission.

Do I need to submit a hard copy of the proposal?
No. Not at all. Please avoid doing that.

Which languages are acceptable?
English, Urdu, Arabic, Hindi.

I am a translator and want to translate a book?
If the book has been published by us you can contact us about it. If it has been published by someone else may the translation rights are with the publisher or the author. Check with them first..

What subjects do you generally publish?
Non-fiction, India, Politics, Terrorism, Islam, Minorities, Law, Human Rights, History, Biographies, Current Affairs, Inter-faith and also general issues. Generally fiction does not interest us.

Do you return hard copy of manuscripts?
Avoid sending us hard copies. And if you do please ensure that you retain a copy of your work/submission as we will not be responsible for any loss or damage to submitted work. Submissions will not be returned irrespective of whether they have been accepted or turned down. If they have been turned down, we will dispose of them and will not enter into any further communication whatsoever about them.

I got a positive response so it is final that you will publish my work?
Should we like your proposal, we will ask to see further material, but please do not assume that your manuscript has been accepted for publication, all that it means is that we would like to see the complete manuscript before taking a final decision. If we accept your manuscript, you will be formally notified by us and terms will then be agreed and contracts signed. Until then, please note that we cannot assume any liability whatsoever for your proposal/manuscript.

Should I call or visit you for a faster response?
There is no need for you to come in person or call up to know the status of the evaluation of your work. You can simply ask that by email.

Can I simultaneously submit my work with other publishers?
We would like you to submit your work to one publisher at a time to avoid inconvenience to either publisher. However, if you do so, immediately inform us.