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Hindutva’s Second Coming

A deadly concoction of neoliberalism and Hindutva has taken the country in its firm grip, destroying the age-old civilization of India: plural, composite ball-accepting. With this fascist govt again coming into power, the much-talked about ganga-yamuna culture of the country looks a fiction. This these is assiduously explored in this book.
A must for those who cares for this unique civilization of ours and wants to understand the threat to it; looking large on the horizon.


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Year 2019
ISBN-10: 9388989007
ISBN-13: 978-9388989008

It is a disturbing scenario when the biggest democracy in the world seems to have taken a ‘[Q]uantum Jump In Wrong Direction Since 2014’ (Amartya Sen) – prompting even the normally recent community of scientists to ask people to reject the politics which ‘[d]ivides us, creates tears and marginalises a large fraction of our society’ and remind them that “[D]iversity is our democracy’s greatest strength: discrimination and non-inclusivity strike at its very foundation”.

Whether there would be further normalisation of majoritiarism or ordinary people’s desire to live a more inclusive, egalitarian life and in a less topic world would ultimately triumph the designs of the hatemongers and secondly, whether free run being given to the crony capitalists and moneybags would be over and ideas of redistribution would make a comeback with vengeance.


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