A Dictionary of Muslim Names

Edited by Prof. S. A. Rahman
Pages 160 paper back

This dictionary serves as an excellent guide for responsible parents in their quest for appropriate and meaningful names for their children [baby/babies], of which the latter may feel proud when they to know their significance. You will get to see spellings in Arabic.

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End of Casteism

By T.M. Mani (Now T.M. Umar Farooq)

After 52 years of struggle, a well known dalit leader in Tamil Nadu, T. M. Mani, accepted Islam. The English version of his book is “End of Casteism”. Mr. T.M. Mani waged a long war against casteism and caste atrocities. He fought ferociously for 52 years and at the end, accepted Islam. His struggle’s sufferings and achievements are detailed in this book.

Back cover of the book: Following those friends, I too have integrated myself with the path of Islam. I have accepted the all powerful one Allah. The caste system which had given untold miseries and hardships, humiliations and indignities has been thus destroyed.

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Islamic Company Law – A Comparative Juristic Analysis

…The demands made by Muslim masses on their leaders to apply Islamic law in its entirety makes it imperative for

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Scientific Commentary of Suratul Faatehah

Amazing discoveries by Dr Ebrahim Kazim in the Scientific Commentary of Suratul Faatehah, which is the very first Surah in the Holy Quran

by Dr E Kazim
M.B., B.S., D.T.M. & H., M.R.C.P.
Director, Islamic Academy, Trinidad

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Types of contemporary Muslims: Lax, extremist and moderate

Three types of Muslims exist in the world today: lax, extremist and moderate. The first, the lax variety, forms the

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الإمام ولي الله الدهلوي (Arabic) Waliullah al-Dihlawi

يدور هذا الكتاب حول حياة وعصر العالم المجاهد المجدِّد الإمام ولي الله الدهلوي (م : 1176هـ / 1763م) صاحب المؤلفات القيمة فى المكتبة الإسلامية وعلى رأسها رائعته حجة الله البالغة فى حكمة الشريعة وأسرارها والتى لاتزال فريدة فى بابها ويدرسها أهل العلم فى أرجاء العالم الى اليوم .. وهو الذى فتح باب ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم حين بادر – رغم معارضة معاصريه – إلى ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم إلى الفارسية لتقريبها إلى الشعب ..
ولم يكن الإمام الدهلوي مجرد عالم ومفسر ومحدّث ومترجم لمعاني القرآن الكريم ، بل كان مجاهدا فى الوقت نفسه، فقد فكّر وجاهد لإنقاذ الدولة الإسلامية ولإصلاح المجتمع الإسلامي فى الهند. ولا تزال حركته وأ فكـاره تؤثـر فى مسلمي شبـه القارة الهنديـة الباكستانيـة إلى اليـوم..

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