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Framed, Damned, Acquitted: 24 cases show how Special Cell of Delhi Police manufactures terrorists

This revised edition analyses 24 cases to show how the Special Cell of Delhi Police manufactures terror threats and terrorists.

A report on “investigations” carried out by the Special Cell of Delhi Police.

By Jamia Teachers’ Solidarity Association (JTSA)

303 pages p/b
Year: 2015 (Second Edition)

This revised edition analyses 24 cases to show how the Special Cell of Delhi Police manufactures terror threats and terrorists.

A report on “investigations” carried out by the Special Cell of Delhi Police.

What judgment after judgment comments on is the manner in which the so-called evidence provided by the police and the prosecution was tampered with and fabricated, how story after story as presented by the prosecution was unreliable, incredulous, and appeared as concocted.

Framed, Damed, Acquitted documents 16 cases in which those accused of being operatives of various terrorist organizations (Al Badr, HUJI, Lashkar), arrested in main by the Special Cell of Delhi Police, were acquitted by the courts, not simply for want of evidence, but because the evidence was tampered with, and the police story was found to be unreliable and incredulous. The report relies entirely on court judgements.

JTSA hopes that this document will provoke a debate about the utility of these elite forces, which in the name of fighting terrorism, have been granted blanket impunity.

This is a comprehensive 200-page report on cases in which people, all Muslims, were arrested, by the Delhi Police’s Special Cell. The report exposes the cell which has framed people in fabricated cases with the help of concocted evidence which would later fall apart in the courts. Because, the report says, “they are backed not be evidence but by the belief that the court will be seduced by the hysteria of national security.”

“We document here 16 cases in which those accused of being operatives of various terrorist organizations (Al Badr, HUJI, Lashkar-e-Toiba) arrested in main by the Special Cell of Delhi Police, were acquitted by the courts, not simply for want of evidence, but because the evidence was tampered with, and the police story was found to be unreliable and incredulous,” says the JTSA, which has earlier released two reports, ‘Encounter’ at Batla House: Unanswered Questions (2009) and The Case that Never Was: The ‘SIMI ‘ Trial of Jaipur (2012).

This report is a revelation for how the “special cells” work and frame people in fake cases. There are 16 cases widely documented in the report but this is only a tip of a mountain. More such cases, without any doubt, might be lying in several other investigating agencies of India. The report has also focused on media trails in these cases- that how media reported such arrests. Presenting a person as guilty of something even before it could be proved in the court has been common in media, and often the stories published would be based on official inputs. The report exposes it all by quoting some of the media reports too.

The cases documented in the JTSA report:

Case 1

State versusTanveerAhmad, ShakilAhmad, Ishtiaq

Akhtar Dar, Md.Akhtar Dar, Md. Yusuf Lone,

Abdul Rauf and GhulamMd

Case 2

State versus FarooqAhmed Khan, etc.

Case 3

State versus Md.Amir Khan

Case 4

State versus Khongbantbum Brojen Singh&Anr

Case 5

State versus Hamid Hussain, Md. Shariq,

Md. IftekharAhsan Malik, Maulana Dilawar Khan,

MasoodAhmed, Haroon Rashid

Case 6

State versus IrshadAhmed Malik

Case 7

State versusAyazAhmed Shah

Case 8

State versus Saqib Rehman, BashirAhmed Shah,

NazirAhmed Sofi, Hazi Gulam Moinuddin Dar,

Abdul Majid Bhat,Abdul Qayoom Khan and

Birender Kumar Singh

Case 9

State versus KhurshidAhmad Bha!

Case 10

State versus Salman Khurshid Kori, and Others

Case 11

State versus Maurif Qamar and Md. Irshad Ali

Case 12

StateVersus GulzarAhmed Ganai and Md.Amin Hajam

Case 13

State versusTariq Dar

Case 14

State versus ImranAhmed&Anr.

Case 15

State versus Md. MukhtarAhmad Khan

Case 16

State versus Md. Iqbal@Abdur Rehman,

Nazarul Islam&Jalaluddin

Case 17

State versus Md. Naushad and Others

Case 18

State versus Md. Hussain@Julfikar Ali@Abdul@Rahul

Case 19

State versus Sajjad Hussain Sheikh

Case 20

State versus ParvezAhmad Radoo

Case 21

State versus Md. Iqbal and Mushtaq Ahmad Kallo

Case 22

State versus Md.AmeenWani alias Khalid and

Luthfur Rahman alias Haroon

Case 23

State versus Md. Hassan, Shafaqat Iqbal and

Shabbir Ahmed

Case 24

State versus Javed Ahmad Tantrey

@Sikandar and AshiqAli Bu!


Appendix 1

Irshad’s Letter toPM

Appendix 2

ParvezAhmed Radoo’s Letter from Tihar Jail

Appendix 3

Anoverview of the cases

Appendix 4 299

Glossary of Criminal Offences:

[Year of Arrest]

1992 Tanveer Ahmed, Shakil Ahmed, Ishtiaq Akhtar Dar, Mohd Akhtar Dar and

others. Years in jail 10.

1996 Farooq Ahmed Khan, others. Years in jail 4.

1997 Mohd Amir Khan. Years in jail 14.

2002 Khongbantbum Brojen Singh. Years in jail 7.

2004 Mohd Iftekar Ahsan Malik, Maulana Dilawar Khan and others. Years in jail 6.

2004 Irshad Ahmed Malik. Years in jail 6.

2004 Ayaz Ahmed Shah. Years in jail 5.

2005 Saqib Rehman, Bashir Ahmed Shah, Nazir Ahmed Sofi and others. Years in jail 6.

2005 Khurshid Ahmad Bhatt. Years in jail 6.

2006 Salman Khurshid Kori. Years in jail 5.

2006 Maurif Qamar and Mohd Irshad Ali. Years in jail 5.

2006 Gulzar Ganai, Mohd Amin Hajam. Years in jail 3.

2006 Tariq Dar. 3 months in jail.

2006 Imran Ahmed. Years in jail 5.

2007 Mohd Mukhtar Ahmed Khan. Years in jail 5.

2008 Mohd Iqbal alias Abdur Rehman. Years in jail 3.


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