How to Order the latest volume of MAP


published since 1993, is back now

Papers in the new issue (2004 volume) include: 
[This 2004 volume is available at annual subscription rates as applicable]

Editorial click here to read it online
Piety and Imperial Reform: Nizamu'l-Mulk Asaf Jah I  (Joseph Charles Heim); 
Ben Ali and his Arabic diary (Yusef Progler); 
Islamic Civilizationin-the later period of Middle Ages (Mahmoud Khatami); 
Islam-West confrontation-an Islamic point of view (Zafarul-Islam Khan); 
The Road to Holy Jerusalem (Saad S Khan); 
Global Excess Mortality, Bengal and the Muslim Holocaust (Gideon Polya); 
Iqbal's concept of Muslim identity and Pakistan (Balraj Puri); 
Muslim education and learning in Medieval Central Asia (G N Khaki); 
The Qur’an and modern jurisprudence (M K Sherwani); 
Al-Biruni: A model scholar for all times (Zafarul-Islam Khan); 
Emergence of darah muda in Singapore’s Jamiyah (Atiku Garba Yahaya) 
Political Islam or Islam in politics? (Jorgen S. Nielsen) 
and many more...

Annual subscription: Individuals*: Rs 250 / Euro 25 
(Institutions*: Rs 500 / Euro 50)

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Editorial (of MAP's 2004 volume)

With this issue the Muslim & Arab Perspectives (MAP) reappears after an absence. People behind this publication have been preoccupied during the last few years with The Milli Gazette (MG) and Muslim India (MI) which sapped their limited resources, energies and time.

The re-emergence of MAP is a result of a realisation and constant demands from various quarters within India and without that Indian Muslims do need an academic journal in English to provide an avenue to publish and discuss serious issues affecting Islam and Muslims, especially the world’s second largest Muslim concentration as well as a wide range of Islamic issues from an Indian, South Asian and modern perspective.

Islam in South Asia has immensely contributed to the thought, philosophy and culture of Islam. Indeed, Islam has its own distinct South Asian culture, which is accommodative, harmonious and humane, which rejects rigidity and violence. We are proud to be part of it. We consider this South Asian Islamic culture superior to other forms of Islamic culture which evolved over the centuries. During recent years a certain venomous ideology has tried to claim that Indian Muslims believe in violence, that our mosques and madrasahs are “dens of terrorism” but time has proved the proponents of that theory utterly wrong. They stand rejected by the Indian voter. Even foreign observers have testified that Indian Muslims despite great provocations, like the Babri demolition, Bombay riots and Gujarat pogroms, did not take to violence.

It is our determination that MAP will not go into further absence in future and the journal will appear at least once in a year if not more frequently, insha Allah.

MAP’s format, as a result of the presence of MG and MI, will change from now. It will no longer contain current affairs articles and comments. Serious writers and researchers in India and abroad are welcome to send us their papers and reports, preferably by email in the form of an attachment in MS Word format.

Zafarul-Islam Khan











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